Saturday, December 28, 2019

Group Reflection Van Der Linden - 1524 Words

Group Reflection Renae Van Der Linden Roberts Wesleyan College Group Reflection When leading a group, it is important to understand what the overall goal should be, as well as understanding what the group expectations are. Knowing what the group goals and expectations are provides a basic outline of what the group dynamic should be. Additionally, the goals and group expectations should be discussed with the group members, providing them with the opportunity to share their input and possibly even make changes to what the facilitator believes the group goal or expectations should be. Class Goals The goal for the psychoeducational group based on mindfulness was to: define mindfulness, share various mindfulness skills, discuss the†¦show more content†¦Opening this door to the conversation would have been helpful for group members to hear about what other people enjoy doing and may have provided them with new ideas on what can be done in their own life to accomplish mindfulness. Major concepts from reading regarding group process As part of the group process, it is important to consider the comfortability of group members among the group. For example, aside from the check-in, this was the first time that the whole class has been a part of the group process. Though I find that the class is quiet in general, having it be the first time the class was one large group may have contributed to the low response rate to the questions being asked. According to the Tuckman model (Zastrow, 2015), the group would still be in the forming stage. Overall, it feels as though the group members are still getting comfortable with each other because of their hesitation to talk. On the other hand, some group members were willing to share their personal experiences related to mindfulness. The idea that group members desire to be comfortable with each other before sharing their personal experiences may have had an influence on this particular group. Due to the fact that this was not the first time that group members had interacted with each other, there may have been more willingness to share their personal experiences. If this group was ledShow MoreRelatedMoral Psychology : A Long Standing Rationalist Tradition3611 Words   |  15 Pagespresents a logical sequence of events that aligns with a rationalist notion of decision-making (Fig.1) In general, we can assume that rational models say that moral knowledge and moral judgment are reached primarily by a process of reasoning and reflection (Kohlberg, 1969; Piaget, 1932/1965; Turiel, 1983). Moral emotions may affect the reasoning process, but they are not the direct causes of moral judgments (Fig. 2). The moral dilemmas are to be understood as a conflict of imperatives. HoweverRead MoreFuture Time Perspective, Anxiety And The Positivity Effect5744 Words   |  23 Pagesthe relationship between Future Time Perspective and attentional biases. I used an eye tracking paradigm with positive, neutral and negative stimuli and measured self-reported anxiety for analysis in a homogeneous age group of participants, 17-22 years. By using only one age group and manipulating the Future time perspective they are in I was better able to compare the results between the shorter and longer Future time perspective conditions. Socioemotional Selectivity Theory Research into theRead MoreEnvironmental Degradation9511 Words   |  39 Pagestropical deforestation. BioScience 52(2): 143-150. Kauffman, J. B. and D. A. Pyke. 2001. Range ecology, global livestock influences. In S. A. Levin (ed.), Encyclopedia of Biodiversity 5: 33-52. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Laurance, W. F. 1999. Reflections on the tropical deforestation crisis. Biological Conservation 91: 109-117. McKee, J. K., P.W. Sciulli, C. D. Fooce, and T. A. Waite. 2003. Forecasting global biodiversity threats associated with human population growth. Biological ConservationRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pagesnotions and so were bound to face a great deal of resistance. What Edmonds manages to do here is offer us a way to appreciate the importance of Rastafarianism as a religious phenomenon that is consistent with much of what happens when religious groups and movements grow and develop. Indeed, there is a remarkable logic to the development of Rasta that deï ¬ es the notion that it is a movement of the insane and the misguided. 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So that all employees were given opportunities to grow and learn, the Bank of Montreal’s Institute of Learning was established at a cost exceeding $50 million. The goal of providing five days of training and education to every employee

Friday, December 20, 2019

Video Time, And Legend Of Korra Are All Modern Shows

There is media already doing this; cartoons like Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and Legend of Korra are all modern shows aimed at kids that feature same-gender couples. For teens, Pretty Little Liars, Glee, and Gossip Girl are among many other shows exploring same-gender relationships; Game of Thrones, Friends, and Empire portray gay and bisexual couples for primarily adult audiences. While not one of these shows is totally free from any problematic aspects in how they portray their non-heterosexual characters, they exist as shows where a story is being told and characters happen not to be straight. I make this distinction for only one reason. While shows like The L Word and Will and Grace portray healthy, diverse same-gender relationships, they have often been branded as â€Å"gay† shows. For someone who grows up in a home that does not approve of other sexualities, for an individual who has not yet overcome internalized prejudices, or for the person who has not felt a reas on to question their sexuality, a â€Å"gay† show may be immediately off putting. The shows can be witty, heartfelt, and beautiful, but a potential viewer may lose interest the second they hear that it is â€Å"gay†. That is why I am choosing, at least in this moment, to focus on shows where sexual minorities are part of a larger story that does not always focus on their sexualities. Yet, why should proper representation matter? The myth that video games make kids more violent has been disproven, so why shouldShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Same Sex Marriage2309 Words   |  10 Pages Many people don’t think twice about their representation in the media, but it’s important. Think of all the times characters have been relatable in some way. From Brave’s Merida with her curly hair, to The Hunger Games’ Katniss, characters in media have shaped the way I see myself. The same is true for everyone, but it’s a lot more difficult for minority groups to see themselves in the characters on TV, as well as in books, movies, and music. The LGBTQ+ community is seeing this issue very clearly

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Balance Scorecard of Great Persons Inc Case Study - Free Sample

Question: Discuss about the Balance Scorecard of Great Persons Inc. Answer: Introduction This report takes into account the prospects of Balance Scorecard and the ways organization has been implementing the same for their success. As per Boscia and McAfee (2014), the objective of this report is to focus on the implementation of Balance Scorecard and how successful it has been in organizations that have already done it. The main objective of this report is to develop a BSC for Great Persons, Inc, an American organization. A strategy map has also been implemented for the same organization for its overall improvement. Great persons, Inc needs to shift from its conventional form of financial apparatus for gaining information that is more relevant. Balance Scorecard Basic of Scorecard Balance scorecard can be described as a premeditated planning and supervision system used to support the activities of business with the organizational vision. According to Lakshmi and Rao (2017), in most of the cases pragmatically, a Balance Scorecard endeavors to interpret indistinct, virtuous hope of an organizations statement of vision into the practicalities of administrating the business superior at every level. Balance Scorecard advancement is to take a holistic view of a company and synchronize the MDIs in order to experience the level of efficiency by all the departments of the organization (Schalock et al. 2014). To go on board on the path of the Balance Scorecard an organization needs to know the mission and vision statement along with the strategic plan. The other things that should also be focused on are the organizations financial status, the ways the organization is operating in the current scenario, the satisfaction level of employees and the expertise level of their employees. Balance Scorecard- Factors examples Department Areas Internal Process of Business Amount of actions per function Automation of processes Alignment of processes (right progression for right sections) Duplicate activities per task Finance Return on Investment (ROI) Cash Flow Return on Employed capital Quarterly and Yearly Financial results Growth and Learning Finding the right level of expertise for job Turnover of employees Satisfaction in Jobs Opportunities in Learning and Training Customer Performance of delivery to customer Rate of satisfaction of customers Rate of customer retention Once the organization is through with the evaluation of the quantifiable results of the above stated factors they should be prepared in making the best use of the method of Balance Scorecard for improving the areas where there is existence of enough deficiency (Coe and Letza 2014). Along with it the metrics that should be set up needs to be based on SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) for improving the measuring standards. Application of Balance Scorecard successful companies In the present scenario, the managers need to identify the brunt that measures generally have on the presentation. However, they do not consider measurement to be an integral part of their daily strategy. For instance, managers may initiate fresh strategies and inventive processes in operating projected in attaining infiltrate performance along with continuation of the usage of short-term indicators of finance that have been used for decades like return on investment (ROI), growth in sales and operating proceeds (Perkins, Grey and Remmers 2014). These kinds of managers generally fail in introducing fresh measures in investigating new goals and procedures and in whether or not to continue with the old methods and relevancy of the innovative proposals. Effectual measurement needs to be an essential part of the process of management. According to Kaplan, R. and Anderson, S.R., 2013, Balance Scorecard offers the managers a complete framework that interprets the strategic objectives of a company into a rational set of measurement of performance. Balance Scorecard is a system of management that helps in motivating infiltrate developments in certain critical areas like product, procedures and development of market. Success Stories Mecklenburg County, NC There was lack of any sort of stability and sustainable loom to attain the vision in Mecklenburg County that did not have any sort of dependable model for making decisions regarding funding that is being based on precedence and reviewing the larger impact of those decisions. Mecklenburg required developing a model and structure for making decisions that could be unrelenting despite of the economic environment or ideology related to politics. They lacked any sort of way in predicting the long-term influence of the decision, but with the implementation of the system, it led to a penetration performance towards attaining the vision of County and presently it is in use in Mecklenburg County. It is a fundamental part of how the County is supervised that has become replica for other municipal governments across the country. Balance Scorecard to non-profit organization Balance Scorecard are needed by the non-profit organizations as it has been considered as a great implement for description of strategy and execution. Balance Scorecard assists in describing a policy, focusing on actions that matters and finally accomplishing the strategy productively. As per Knowles, Greatbanks and Manville (2016), non-profit organizations might encounter problems with an enunciation of the strategy, but just trying BSC would facilitate them to enclose their thoughts about strategy in the right possible way. It also helps in talking the similar sort of language with those making donations. Certain donations that are being made to the nonprofit organizations are generally prepared by for-profit organization. Organizational executives make use of BSC for their premeditated planning. Non-profit organizations have an approach that can be well explained with the Balance Scorecard displaying more opportunities of getting required funding, as they talk with the financial donors in the same language of business (Rampersad and Hussain 2014). In most cases, for-profit organizations agree on the perspectives of BSC; 1. Financial 2. Customer 3. Operational, 4. Learning. However, in case of nonprofit organizations there has not been any such agreement For-profit business organizations are those who have the habit of commonly of investing into the social programs of non-profit organization. They view financial indicators on their own scorecards and for the same they like to have a comparable way in tracking the performance of their investments that is social in nature in the non-profit organizations. Non-profit organizations prefer a standard order of their perspectives: Standard order: Financial; Customer; Operational; Learning However, it has often been seen that managers of certain non-profit organizations take care of finance as a source, which they do not want to have it at the top of the order. The challenge with this issue is that it would be hard to follow that sort of BCSs cause-and-effect logic. Finance at Bottom: Customer; Operational; Learning; Finance For charities, the nucleus business is distributing on the mission- assuage suffering, assisting people in getting back to work and saving the lives of the animals. Many non-profit organizations like Christian Childrens Fund of Canada have executed the method of Balance Scorecard within their organization in helping to manage their advancement in attaining their preferred outcomes. This Balance Scorecard approach have enables such non-profit organizations in measuring results and bringing in the obligatory changes to the varied marketing and operational programs in achieving their mission. Six different standpoints can be suggested for the non-profit seeking organizations: -Allocation of resources -Donors -Funding and revenue -Internal processes and operations -Learning Innovation The categories of internal processes/operations and learning and innovation are the most stimulating factors for the incorporated marketers- highlighting on technology factor and the required infrastructure and skills, culture and formation essential for the purpose of integrated marketing (Matthews 2015). While implementing the approach of Balance Scorecard, it is tough to disregard the impact of business-integrated marketing. Non-profit organizations have always been mission-centric, focusing entirely on the purpose they have set out. Cancer Societys defining of success should not be curing cancer but dropping the deaths that have been caused by cancer. This assists the cancer society in focusing less on the research work and more on early recognition and other deterrence practices. Evaluating Balance Score Card Kaplan and Norton are the two famous persons that have in their credit the development of Balanced Scorecard Model in 1992. The main purpose behind the construction of the method was to provide organization something that could provide them a solid grip on the measurement of their financial performance (Chen, Chiang and Storey 2012). Within just ten years, 1000 of companies have are on their way to utilise the tool to measure their financial performance. The list of the companies is full of private, public and non-profit organizations. The traditional metric used for the financial performance of the Company was only aimed to measure the financial related sector of the Company. However, the model has enabled in adding some more metrics into the financial measurement techniques. The added metrics are such as customer, learning growth and internal process (Biazzo and Garengo 2012). Despite of all the popularities that the model has collected, it fell short in terms of its affectivity. This is because of the fact that results were varied from successful to unsuccessful to no tangible results. According to Neely et al., the model has limitations, as it does not cover the scholarship. The limitation can even reduce the effectiveness of the BSC model in measuring the financial performance of an organization (Rohm and Malinoski 2012). According to Madsen and Stenheim (2014), the advantages of BSC model; however, they also believe that not all the parts of the model are effective (Henderson, Pricewaterhousecoopers and Mittl 2012). They further argue that practitioners, business experts need to understand about the limit of values of the BSC model. They believe that it is not a mature concept. Because of the variations in it, it has resulted in different outcomes to different organizations. Basuony (2014) also finds this as an immature process that benefits smaller or ganizations but not as beneficial to the larger organization (Intelligence 2014). However, Casey and Peck (2004) have supported the BSC process. In their point of views, the process is beneficial to the organization. It benefits organization by providing the managers a source to have a deeper study on the financial performance of the Company (Loshin 2012). Nazim (2015) do also supports the BSC model. They believe that it is useful as it transforms strategies into tangible metrics that can easily be evaluated by the managers (Maltz et al. 2012). According to (Pessanha and Prochnik, 2006), the process is a serious failure once it is implemented in the organizational practices. It has high rates of failure in the implementation and produces variable answers in both its interpretation and practice. The BSC process is helpful in finding the financial performance of the smaller organizations. However, it is not that effective in case of larger organization (Rausch, Sheta and Ayesh 2013). This is because of the fact that this is still under the developing stages. This needs certain considerations and modifications in the light of authorial facts and the business experts to give it, the more fruitful effect. This is a good move by Kaplan and Norton as they had produced a good process to measure the financial performance of the Company. However, the process seriously lacks in its productivity in case of larger organizations (Person 2013). BSC Development BSC Table Priorities for Strategies Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives Financial Making this financially strong Utilization of assets Profitability Cost Leader Profitable Growth Cash Flow Net margin Volume Growth Revenue 18% $19 million 4 yrs 40% Asset Description program and C Store Alliances Customer Delighting the customer Efficient service to the customer Delighting the targeted customer Building up a strong relation with the customers Segment Sharing Gross Profit Growth of Dealer 40% 25% Dealer Committee and Feedback program Internal Making relationships with the franchise Enhancement of customer value Excellence in operation Bringing innovative services and products to provide full satisfaction to the customers ROI of New Product Inventory Levels Perfect Orders 18% 12% sales 95% Review Program and Safety Training Learning Growth Motivated and efficient bench of workforce Action Climate Competencies Survey of Employee Strategic Competency More than 48 83% Skills Program and Competency Development Table 1: BSC Table Source: (Created By Author) Reason The reason to make BSC table was to give Great Persons Inc. a firm control over its staffs. This is because of the fact that the existing financial measurement plan in the organization is only able to measure the financial performance of the organization. However, the Company was not able to have its control on the customer satisfaction. This is the reason the Company opted the process. The BSC does not provide effective scores control on the different stakeholders of the Company. However, it supports smaller companies and has effective results in balancing the scores at the different core sectors of the Company (Phillips, Brantley and Phillips 2012). The above scorecard helps the Company in having a firm control over few of the proposed measurement sectors such as customer, financial, internal and learning growth. The Company needs to take some useful initiatives to bring affectivity in the proposed scorecard. Rightly so, the above score card did propose some most effective initiatives for the achievement of the goal such as Asset description plan, C store alliances and many more (Porter and Tanner 2012). Strategy Map The above strategy map is indicative only, the detail of which is covered in the BSC table. The strategy, which is in more detail elaborated in the BSC table, is for the reason that the Great Persons Inc. is suffering of its incapable control on the customers. BSC table is believed to produce effective results to smaller organizations, which is the main reason behind the proposal of the table. The table is designed strategically; however, its success relies heavily on its implementation (Price, Jorgensen and Knight 2013). Conclusion BSC table has received mixed responses from some of the authors and the business experts. It has les supports of authors, as it is only effective to smaller organizations. However, it is not helpful for those organizations, which are larger multinationals. BSC table helps in building up a strategy, which provides a firm control to the organization on some of other but important domains of business such as customers, internal and learning growth. An organization can never prosper to fullest of its possibilities if it has no control on the strategies. Traditional system is only helpful in calculating the financial performance of the Company. However, it did not provide any solution for some other parts such as checking the impact on customers, the effectiveness of the products and many more. The Great Persons Inc. was following the traditional form of financial measurement tool, which can never provide any other information. This is for such reasons that companies tried to go for the BSC table in order to have a good control over its customers, internal growth and partnerships with franchisee. The Company is no different to other in terms of financial success; however, it has the desire to have a good control on the customer views on its service. Moreover, the Company believed to have prioritised the values of customers over its financial success. This has only prompted them in going for the BSC process for having control on some other important sectors. References Biazzo, S. and Garengo, P., 2012.Performance measurement with the balanced scorecard: a practical approach to implementation within SMEs. Springer Science Business Media. Boscia, M.W. and McAfee, R.B., 2014. Using the balance scorecard approach: A group exercise.Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning,35. Chen, H., Chiang, R.H. and Storey, V.C., 2012. Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact.MIS quarterly,36(4), pp.1165-1188. Coe, N. and Letza, S., 2014. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Contribution of Custodians and Systemic Risk

Question: Discuss about the Contribution of Custodians and Systemic Risk. Answer: Introduction: Kit is a person who was given Chilean citizenship by virtue of his birth in the country. He is working for a company originally situated in the United States. The place of his work is yet another country, Indonesia. Most of his work lies along the Indonesian coast. In spite all these facts, the place where Kit has a permanent house is in Australia. His wife and children have been living in Australia for the previous four years (Chow, 2015). The Australian taxation law considered Kit to be an Australian citizen, for which he was included within the purview of paying tax. In a bank located in Australia, Kit has an account with his wife. The salary that he gets for his job is paid by his employers to this bank account. If the rule of taxation for Australia is taken into consideration, then the above factors contribute in proving that he is entitled to pay the tax. The other factors which are relevant in this regard are some investments and settlements for a business purpose which Kit ma de in Australia. These factors clearly prove that Kit has chosen Australia as the permanent residing place for himself and his family (Chomik and Piggott, 2016). Kit takes a leave from his work after a period of three months to meet either his family in Australia or his parents who are living in his birthplace in Chile. Finally, the law of taxation applicable for Australia included him under the purview of a tax payer due to the aggregate effect of the above factors. The Australian government attaches much importance to those residing in Australia as well as paying taxes in accordance with the taxation law of that country. But the taxation department has the right to know the taxpayer's eligibility for being certain that any person is entitled to pay the tax. However, there are quite some differences between the taxation liabilities of the residents and those of the non-residents of Australia (Danon, 2010). The differences are in the following aspects: The government in Australia attaches considerable importance to the residents of the country that are entitled to pay the tax. Before it holds anyone responsible for paying the tax, this department concerned with taxation should be aware of the required eligibility for a taxpayer. Thus after the eligibility would be taken into account, there would be considerable change in how taxes by residents and non-residents will be calculated. Thus there would be a better and clearer judgment (Cortese, 2006). Payment of tax by virtue of residential proof: It is a basic fact that the income earned by any person living in a country is the basis of the calculation of tax to be paid by the government. The income from any domestic source does not affect the calculation of tax at all since it is not included in the income earned from official sources. On being a permanent resident of the country, any person will be considered liable to pay the residential tax that any Australian is considered to pay. The taxes charged by virtue of factors other than residential proof: this section of the tax is payable for every type of income that the tax payer earns. It may be income from different sources. But it should not include that from domestic sources. The official sources are considered in this case. Various taxation laws are used to charge the people of Australia the various kinds of taxes. For the case in consideration, the person is not required to pay taxes for Medicare (Donald and Nicholls, 2014). The tax that the government collects is fully supported by the citizens of the country in consideration, that is, Australia. The basis of the calculation of taxes is the entire assets owned by any person, including thee income from the salary, the properties, and various other valuable articles. The department concerned with taxation divides the tax into two portions, namely indirect and direct taxes. There are a few special features such as the compulsion to pay the tax and any increase in the amount of tax required to be paid, is given out by the Australian government. The tax required to be paid actually considered as the charge for availing the services offered by the government. The refusal by the public to pay the taxes which is a common phenomenon might result in a critical economic problem (Freebairn, 2016). The regular payment of taxes helps to fulfill the needs of the economy and ultimately adds on to the economy in the form of increased gross domestic product. This is beca use there is an all-around development of the economy due to the government's increased efforts since it makes use of the collected tax for this purpose. Thus if Kit wants the authorities to consider him as the resident of Australia, it is ideal for him to pay the taxes for which he is liable. The tax for residents is totally dependent on income from all official sources. The rates of interest charged by the banks are usual and apply to the person under consideration, that is, Kit. The persons citizenship can be subjected to verification. The taxes that are finally charged from the person depend on the following factors: If the person is finally more likely to return to the country and settle there permanently, then he would be taken as a resident of the country. Consequently, he would be taxed. On having made any investment or business negotiations in this country, hee will be considered a citizen here and would be taxable (Ingles and Stewart, 2013). If his family is permanently settled in Australia, he would be known as a citizen of this country. When a person, has gone on trips to the country with family for a duration of more than a month, the person would be rightful to have a citizenship of Australia. Doing a regular job in the country makes a person eligible for citizenship in Australia and would make him liable for paying tax. Permanent residence in Australia makes a person a citizen of the country. On having accounts in any of the banks in the country and any assets of any type will make a person liable to pay the tax. On migrating from any other country to Australia and making an effort to set up a business, a person will be treated as a citizen (Engdahl, 2011). In a nutshell, on fully living in Australia for six months or more permanently, any person would be treated as a citizen of this country. As far as kit is concerned, it is evident that he has a plan to permanently reside in Australia. The investments and business negotiations are a proof of this fact. His family is also settled permanently in the country. Thus kit is eligible for citizenship and hence has to pay the due tax in accordance with the taxation rules of the country. The tax on capital gains and that on income will be applicable in his case. Californian Copper Syndicate Ltd v Harris (Surveyor of Taxes) (1904) 5 TC 159 This case was concerned with a common occurrence related to the business and profits of the taxpayer. The company actually had the primary purpose to obtain a land area within its control which would contain copper. The coal was not extracted from the area after a certain duration of time. The court was in the opinion that the profit generation through the land would be more in future. The purpose was, after all, earning more profits through the sale of the property. The increase in returns was the final goal of the corporation or the company (Warren, 2010). Retaining the land with itself for a longer duration implied it could not be used for any other work. The company finally sold the land to another similar one and was with the expectation to get shares of the latter company in return. The land was divided into many parts and roads as well as other infrastructure were also constructed on that property, to improve the profitability by selling it. The case in consideration had the company starting the business of mining coal on the land area which was purchased by it. The coal was extracted in its entirety after a certain period of time. Having extracted the coal, the company then took the decision to sell the property. They were quite determined to their purpose, and so had an intention of selling the land area anyhow. This company also adopted the same technique as the previous one to make the land area more profitable (Heng, Niblock and Harrison, 2015). They created subdivisions and constructed several kinds of infrastructure on that land area. In the opinion of the court, the money obtained from selling the land area was not considered as profits from usual income sources, but as the benefits or advantages from capital assets. Thus the profits were regarded as being capital in nature. For this case, the entity which had to pay the tax was a company which wanted to acquire a land area which was in an undeveloped state. It was located on the beach of Whit fords. As is evident from the name, the land area was the front portion of a beach, and hence people had the right to use it. There was a group of persons who created a company for the purpose of owning the land and using it for the purpose of fishing (Taylor, 2011). After a couple of years, the problematic capital share belonging to the company was sold. The new owners purchased the land only for the reason that they would have control of the land and would increase the area by subdividing it and then sell the sites at a profit. The court gave the verdict that the land was being used for normal practical purposes to add to the return. This was a regular occurrence and could be quantified as well. Statham Anor v FC of T 89 ATC 4070 The case in consideration had a relation with income tax. The authorities concerned with determining the income tax value found that there was some incorrect assessment of the tax. The court reached the conclusion that the commissioners had made the adjustments to the income of the state. In the given case study, an individual want to make profit from the sale of a piece of land. Thus, the question arises weather the profit from the sale of land should would be considered as taxable income. This case was related to the expression of the conditions where there is the lack of profit-making purpose in the event of profit production intentions (Rodger, 2008). The court has stated that the profit from the sale of land would be used for commercial purpose. In the given case study, an organization purchase a land of sand for their own purpose and extracted sand from it. The company was expected that the price of land will increase and it will sale in future. The company want to earn profit from the sale of the land. The main issue is that weather the profit should be considered for the tax purpose. The court stated that the land would be sold for commercial purpose and tax should be paid on it. in this case study, the issue arises whether the farmer should pay the tax or not. Due to having some disputes, the farmer was offered for the land by the seller. So the land tax will be charged for the farmer (Palat, 2003). The tax should be paid on the sale of the land. As per the case mentioned above, two brothers were the owner of the land. To renovate the land they had to remove the houses placed over there. The difficulties arise during the time of the payment of tax bill regarding the land. Ultimately it is decided that according to the law of Australia the brothers don't need to pay any tax bill for the particular land (Prince, 2012). References Chomik, R. and Piggott, J. (2016). Australian Superannuation: The Current State of Play.Australian Economic Review, 49(4), pp.483-493. Cortese, C. (2006). Taxation and the Australian Superannuation System: An International Comparison.Australian Accounting Review, 16(39), pp.77-85. Chow, M. (2015).Australian master tax guide 2015. CCH Australia. Donald, M. and Nicholls, R. (2014). Bank Custodians and Systemic Risk in the Australian Superannuation System.SSRN Electronic Journal. Danon, R. (2010).Double taxation conventions. Zu?rich: Schulthess. Freebairn, J. (2008). 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