Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Political Science - Essay Example ssumed that, â€Å"in the face of a convergence in canons of taste, conceptions of work, recreation, and consumption, people would also take on a more international identity and thus render the nation-state less salient than in the past.† (140) However, as it turned out, neither communications nor the wonders of technology could significantly erode the nation-state. As a matter of fact, it appears to reinforce it. In the perspective of the realists, countries must deal with the challenges that globalization brings by expansive projection of national power such as through increases in military capacities and efforts to open its market to foreign trade. The realism approach to international relations is anchored on the idea that the current international system is inherently lawless that a nation can protect itself from the power of others through alliances and diplomacy if possible and military force if necessary. (Starr 2007, 114) Amid globalization, we have seen the reemergence of rampant nationalism as illustrated in the Balkan conflict, in the areas of the former Soviet Union and to some degree, the relationship of countries within the European Union, one of the success stories of global integration. The realist perspec tive fosters nationalism and the strengthening of national institutions to address the challenges that international economics, politics and security entail. In this theory, a higher level of integration is not necessary to address international challenges. The idea is that integration must be used as a tool to advance national interest and not the way around. Essay Question : Which of these theories - realism, liberal institutionalism, constructivism, and dependency theory- in your view, best explains the central themes and events of the post-Cold War world? While I may be tempted to choose liberalism or dependency theory to explain international contemporary relations, I feel that more recent developments requires us to examine the merits of

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Adapting to Changes and Situational Leadership Assignment

Adapting to Changes and Situational Leadership - Assignment Example The researcher further delivered some of the insinuations, findings and study limitations of integrated leadership roles in the public subdivision. One of the strengths presented in the article is increased morale due to better communication whereby the leader needs to constantly remain aware of the needs of his followers. Pauliene (2012) argues that’s successful leaders should examine the ability of employees and communicate effectively. This can enable the leaders to lead the followers successfully; hence enabling them to perform their task effectively. Secondly, situational leaders should develop a positive and sizeable effect on the performance level of the federal agencies; hence achieving success (Fernandez, Cho and Perry, 2010). However, situation leadership creates confusion; thus it is likely to impact the work performance. Lastly, leaders might lose credibility and trustworthiness by their followers; hence poor work performance in the public sectors. One of the examples of that applies to situation leadership is an example of a director that was working in one the HR department in one of the clothes industry in U.S. The director was involved in a situation whereby he was about to leave for a holiday and his task was to be handled by an experienced assistant director. The assistant was very familiar with his responsibilities; thus he was excited to perform the task. However, instead, the director could trust the knowledge and skills of the assistant director; he decided to spend hours drafting a detailed list of work tasks for the assistant director. Therefore, in this situation, the work will be done perfectly, but the director damages a good relationship with the assistant director due to lack of trust and not being confidence towards the assistant director. Therefore, based on Hersey and Blanchard theories, the situation leadership applies to the above example of the director and his assistant. This is because situational leadership according to Hersey and  Blanchard focus on adapting managerial styles vital for meeting the distinct requirements in a given situation (Gong, Jia-Chi, and Jiing-Lih (2009).Â